Are Asian Wives The Best? Main Asian Wife Characteristics

If we say that millions of Western men dream about having an Asian wife, we would not be exaggerating at all. Asian women are the focus of so many fantasies of Western men that it’s completely unsurprising how popular Asian wifes are globally. Today, we want to give you a better idea of what to expect from Asian women to marry and where to find them, so let’s dive straight in.

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Positive Asian Wife Characteristics
So, how did Asian women earn their global popularity, and why are they only getting more coveted by Western men? Here are the biggest benefits of dating an Asian woman and being married to one that will explain their popularity to you.
✅ She’s Easy to Approach and to Impress
With Asian ladies, you never have to try too hard to impress her. These women are just as interested in meeting you and having a relationship as you are. They will laugh at your jokes, support the conversation, and make you feel at ease, even if you have only met today and are downright strangers.
✅ You Will Always Know How She Feels
Asian women have the reputation of being demure and quiet, but that’s only before you’ve grown closer. When you’re together, you will notice that your Asian wife is always open about her feelings. These women prefer to be honest with their partners and talk openly about everything, which only promises great things for your relationship.
✅ She Is Completely Supportive of You
When an Asian woman decides to settle down with someone, she’s absolutely confident her husband is the smartest, most talented person in the world who is always right. As a result, she will support her husband through everything, no matter what he’s going through. An Asian wife will never ever doubt that you’re right — she’s already confident that you are.
✅ She Will Give You the Family You’ve Dreamed of
Family is what gives Asian women a reason to live and strength to go on. From a young age, they start dreaming about the family they will eventually start. Once that happens, nothing else will become more important to her. She’s the wife you have always wanted to have and the mother to your future children you have always imagined, and you will hurry to get home from work every day.
✅ Her Homemaking Skills Are Second to None
Unlike Western women, who prefer to do less and less around the house while insisting their husbands do more and more, Asian women believe in the traditional family setup where the woman is a homemaker who does her best to make the house a better place for everyone. From making the most delicious meals to subtly yet tastefully decorating the home, you will never regret putting your Asian wife in charge.
✅ She’s Deeply Respectful
Asian society is very different from the society we currently live in the Western world. The best Asian wife is the best precisely because she respects men and, specifically, her man. She doesn’t try to undermine his authority and she values his input, meaning you will always feel like your ideas and desires are important.
✅ She’ll Keep the Passion Alive
A little known fact about Asian wives is that they perfectly understand the importance of passion and intimacy in marriage. And, instead of expecting you to do all the work, they will make it their priority to make sure you are as crazy about each other years into marriage as you were when you first met.

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Negative Asian Wife Characteristics
While there is no doubt that Asian wives are the best and any guy would be lucky to have one, we want you to be fully informed of the peculiarities of marrying an Asian woman. This is why we present to you the few cons these women sometimes have.
❌ She’s Very Attached to Her Family
For Asian women, family is their main priority. However, this includes not only the family they build on their own, but also the family they were born into. In the majority of cases, Asian girls grow up in multi-generational households and are very close to their loved ones, and even when the woman is all grown up, her family continues to be a big influence in her life.
❌ She Worries About Finances
The family’s financial status is important to Asian ladies because they want the best for their loved ones. However, that also means that the woman will pay attention to the man’s financial situation and prospects before agreeing to marry him.
❌ She Can Be Jealous and Possessive
Asian ladies are strictly monogamous, which means only good things for your marriage. On the other hand, even the idea of their partner being romantically interested in someone else makes their blood boil, so they are prone to being jealous sometimes.
❌ She Takes a While to Recover After a Fight
All couples argue — that’s just the nature of being in a long-term romantic relationship. However, while some women are quick to let go and go back to normal, Asian women take time to calm down and return to the way things were.
❌ Her Idea of Fun Can Be Different From Yours
With some exceptions, Asian women are known for being homebodies. They would rather stay at home and watch TV with their husbands than go out to dinner, nightclubs, or festivals. If those are the things you are personally into, there may be some arguments about the ways to spend time as a couple.
Where to Find the Best Asian Wife?
Now that you have zero doubts that Asian wives are the best, let’s move on to where you can actually meet them. As a guy living in the 21st century, you have two options to choose from.

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Go to Asia
If you’re an adventurous type who doesn’t mind putting his life on pause and investing a considerable amount of money into traveling, you can go to Asia and try meeting women there. The downside of this method is that there is usually a language barrier to be aware of, and not all women you meet will even consider moving abroad for marriage. If that doesn’t stop you, here are the top 5 contenders for the title of the best Asian country to find a wife:
Date Online
One of the perks of living in the golden age of the internet is that you can not meet women who are located thousands of miles away from you and develop genuine relationships with them. Asia is a very popular destination for online dating, and this method is the most effective one: it’s inexpensive, incredibly convenient, and has one major benefit: the women who use international dating sites are the ones who have already made up their minds about marrying a foreign guy, so you have one less thing to worry about. However, you do need a reliable, effective dating service to make your dream come true, and here are the sites we personally recommend to look for Asian women to marry.